
nearing the end of finals...

Two finals down, one to go. I have Economic Geography tomorrow from 3-5pm. I've already studied way more than I need to, though, because I don't have much else to do. Most of my friends have gone home by now anyway. Ryan and I saw Narnia on Saturday night, but only because King Kong sold out. I've wanted to see Narnia for a while, but Ryan wasn't that enthusaistic. We both really liked it though; I don't remember enough about the books to be disappointed by the movie in that respect.

Yesterday at Gap a group of singers came in and sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," except it was changed to "Gap Sweatshops are Coming to Town." They had multiple verses of it, too. I heard my manager asking them to go outside with him, and eventually they did, but I think it might have been because they ran out of lyrics. The guy I was ringing up at the register asked if things like that happened all the time; I've never seen anything like it, but apparently another girl who has worked at Gap a long time said she's seen it a few times. I don't think people would go into Banana Republic and protest like that, but it's owned by the same company, and the stuff is all probably made in the same sweatshops.

It was supposed to snow today, and it still says there's a chance for it, but it's completely sunny outside. I'm glad.. If it snowed there would be snow frozen on the ground at least until I leave on Thursday, and I've to lug my suitcase through all of that. The other day it got up to 40 degrees, so the previous snow melted for the most part. I'm looking forward to going to Missouri, where the highs are the 40s for the first few days I'll be there.

Christmas is in 6 days!


Classes are over!

Yay! Yesterday was my last day of classes! Now we have a "study period" today and tomorrow, and finals begin on Thursday. My first final is on Friday, for dramatic lit, and my other one is next Tuesday, for economic geography. I already had one for Spanish split between last Friday and yesterday, and my writing class doesn't have a final, just a final paper, which was due yesterday. So two more tests and then I'm home free. Well I don't go home until the 22nd, which kind of sucks; everyone else will already be gone.

Me, some friends, and Ryan saw "Rent" on Saturday night. I thought it was pretty good; my friends that aren't familiar with the music thought there was too much singing, but I, being pretty familiar with the soundtrack, thought there was not enough. There were a ton of spoken lines in the movie that were sung in the original, so it threw me off a little. It stayed pretty true to the musical though; it only cut a few things out and adjusted the time frame a bit. I thought Rosario Dawson looked and acted the perfect Mimi, but her voice wasn't as strong as the girl who played her on Broadway. The majority of the actors were from the original, though, including Anthony Rapp, who plays Mark, and who was Darryl in "Adventures in Babysitting," a classic. Ryan and I also saw the Nutcracker at the Boston Ballet on Thursday. It was really good, and we had awesome seats. I just wish it had lasted longer.

It's really really cold here. There's supposed to be "ice pellets" on Friday, and more snow after that. There was a thunder blizzard last Friday; it was frightening. The wind makes my skin burn though, not good. Luckily my thermal tights keep my legs nice and warm.

I'm so ready for Christmas!


Christmas is REALLY almost here

It's finally snowing for real. It looks really cold out too, but luckily I have thermal pants to wear under my normal pants. Apparently the snow is late this year, but starting today it's supposed to snow almost every day for like a week. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas... Speaking of which, Ryan has an advent calendar that his mom got him; under every little window there's a chocolate. Ryan used to hate chocolate, but now that he has this calendar, he loves it, and I'm not allowed to have any of it. I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done, and it's only the 4th! I still have a few things to finish up, though.

Friday night was the Myles Birthday Bash at Myles Hall, the dorm that I eat in. Everyone dressed up and there was a casino room with a lot of different Vegas style games. I tried to play poker, but none of my friends had ever played before, so it was too frustrating to play with them. One girl was dealt a straight, twice in a row, and she folded both times. Amateurs... I also got a henna tattoo, which I had never heard of, but apparently that's just me. I wanted to get my picture drawn, but the guy doing that left early, so the only thing left was getting a henna tattoo. Mine's a Chinese, maybe Japanese character on my wrist. I'll post pictures of the Bash as soon as my friend Michelle sends them to me.

I almost had my first orchestra rehearsal on Thursday, but when I got there, there was a sign saying it was cancelled. And I can't go to this week's practice because Ryan and I are seeing the Nutcracker on Thursday. We apparently have a concert in February, so it doesn't seem like there's that many rehearsals to go. The music looks easy though, so hopefully I'll be okay.

So I'm going to try writing more in this blog, it's kind of pointless if I just do it once every couple weeks. I've been so busy lately, I had a million assignments due this past week, but now the worst is behind me. I actually now have only one paper to write for the rest of the semester. Only about 2 weeks left... Crazy.